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Digital Wiring Harness Assembly JIG Board

Digital wiring harness routing & tapping JIG board –

It is an innovative solution for those are struggling to maintain huge quantities of low variant (Stanger part numbers) or PROTO harness during design stage or Harness for after sale market. Advantages of Digital wiring harness manufacturing JIG board – Assembly drawing can be viewed in 1:1 ratio at digital display with +/- 1mm accuracy. Stored drawings can be retrieved in few seconds. Selection of fork is simplified by part numbers. Navigation of wire routing can be done by using single operator or multi operators (maximum up to 3 operators) Time taken to produce the harness can be monitored. Plan Vs Actual monitoring. Operator wise separate log in. Q-Alerts can be displayed at required place inside the drawing itself. Operator training / alert videos can be seen at specific points at harness display itself. Selection of Part number / Operator log in / Work instruction by using scanners. After successful completion of wiring harness routing & tapping, bar code / part number can be printed.

There are three versions –

Basic version – Only drawing can be displayed and forks will be fixed by using vacuum cups. Navigation version – Wire routing navigation is possible in this method. This can be done by using maximum up to 3 operators at a time. The operator sequence input will be fed by them manually. Continuity check version – Once the routing & tapping is completed, continuity check can be performed by using their opposite connectors. (Under development)

Basic version

Basic version