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3 Harness Assembly Board

JIG & Fork

Manufacturing of assembly JIG Board Wiring harness assembly JIG board is placing a vital role in better productivity. In harness manufacturing process, 60% of manhour is consumed at routing & tapping process and it decides the efficiency of the line. The best routing & tapping feasibility is taken care by proper selection of connector holders, fork & Jig and designing the manufacturing drawing. Also merging the various drawing in single board also helps to reduce the space & improve the operator’s efficiency.

Connector Holders

Manufacturing of assembly JIG Board Wiring harness assembly JIG board is placing a vital role in better productivity. In harness manufacturing process, 60% of manhour is consumed at routing & tapping process and it decides the efficiency of the line. The best routing & tapping feasibility is taken care by proper selection of connector holders, fork & Jig and designing the manufacturing drawing. Also merging the various drawing in single board also helps to reduce the space & improve the operator’s efficiency.